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IVY Integrative / Services / Naturopathic Medicine

Naturopathic Medicine

Dr. Marissa Boyd


Naturopathic Doctor
Craniosacral Therapist

Dr. Yelena Okhotin


Naturopathic Doctor
Craniosacral Therapist

Dr. Stephanie Hendershot


Naturopathic Doctor

Dr. Jenna Scott


Naturopathic Doctor

Dr. Chelsea Leander Birch


Naturopathic Doctor
Bowen Therapist

Dr. Kellyann Tomko


Naturopathic Doctor
Health and Wellness Coach

What is a Naturopathic Doctor?

Naturopathic Doctors (ND) are medically trained, naturally focused physicians who shine in treating chronic conditions. The general educational structure for naturopathic doctors is comparable to that of conventional medical doctors (MDs) and osteopathic doctors (DOs). The key difference is their extensive training in nutrition, botanical medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, naturopathic manipulations, counseling, and homeopathy. For most ailments, NDs tend to opt for natural treatments before resorting to pharmaceuticals or surgical interventions.

For more information, visit North Carolina's Association of Naturopathic Physicians or AANMC's website :

Light green ground cover foliage

What can naturopathic medicine do for you?

Naturopathic Doctors address all health concerns except for emergency situations.

Many patients seek naturopathic care for the following reasons:

  • Female Wellness (PCOS, infertility, endometriosis, menopause...)

  • Chronic Pain

  • Insomnia

  • Anxiety & Depression

  • Pediatric Care

  • Lung and Cardiovascular Health

  • Kidney health

  • Detoxification

  • Preventative Care

One rain drop on still, dark, water creating ripples

What does it look like to work with a Naturopathic Doctor?

Your first initial visit will be one-to-two hours long. All health concerns will be addressed in extensive detail including your past medical history, family history, current medications, and health goals. If you are local, proper physical exams will be performed at your in-person appointment.

Following your comprehensive initial intake, your ND will create a personalized treatment plan given at your first follow-up appointment. This typically includes a holistic combination of lifestyle modifications, dietary goals, supplements, herbs, self-counseling tools, and occasionally a hands-on therapy.

Follow-up appointments are encouraged for treatment tracking, maintenance, and new health concerns.


Teal water tumbling into a half-circle waterfall with fall trees lining the fall.
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